This is one of BattleFi platform's main features that helps eSports players earn daily. A player with higher skill and with a better team will certainly gain more Battle Point when the day comes to an end.
eSports Players can earn via playing and winning an eSports challenge against other players in the esport game of their choice.
Step-by-step guide to Esport-To-Earn:
Sign in your account on BattleFi platform.
Choose one (or many) game(s) that you want to play that day to check-in and spend Battle Power on the corresponding game(s). The system will then begin to keep track of all of your games results.
Play eSport games as per usual.
Receive the Battle Points based on the wins/loses of the matches
To stop the system from recording your results, you must check-out your games. Automatic check-out is at daily 23:59
Each check-in and check-out must be at least 15 minutes apart.
Last check-in must be made before 23:29
No check-in = No track recorded = No Points received
Last updated