Jackpot Mechanism (Coming Soon)
Jackpot is a prize pool that randomly rewards any BattleFi users to create more fun and surprise within the BattleFi community.
The Jackpot is comprised of a percentage of all transactions within the BattleFi platform (Challenge, Tournament, Loot Box Opening, Marketplace Fee, etc.).
The Jackpot is accumulated and rewarded at the end of the week.
How to join the Jackpot?
In order to join the Jackpot, the BattleFi user must have a Jackpot Ticket, which comes from the Loot Box (with a percentage of chance to receive a Jackpot Ticket).
This ticket allows BattleFiers to join the weekly Jackpot of BattleFi.
Jackpot Announcement mechanism
At the end of the week, the Jackpot number will be announced and:
The user with the right Jackpot Ticket number will be rewarded the Jackpot (up to hundreds of thousands of BUSD).
If no one hit the Jackpot that week, the reward will be accumulated for the next week.
If more than one user hit the jackpot, the reward will be split between them.
Last updated